Friday, July 27, 2012

Jks digital painting

Jang Kuen Suk Digital Painting (Photoshop, Bamboo Pen and Touch)


Wee! So happy i can write a new post about my digital painting :)
Since is midterm break week, so i told myself must paint at least one! Yay! I did it!
How about assignments progress? After this "entertainment" then I start, ok?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Uk Postcard

Weee~ I had received postcard from MayTeng who currently study in UK for her degree programme :) Thank You so much! Wait you back jom go yum cha ~!

Well if I continue my studies in Tarc, maybe i will be at Uk at this moment too. Ish..whatever lar! Should enjoy my student life in MMU. One more years later, i no longer student anymore, no more student price.. so sad :P

I have the mood to capture the photo of the postcard. so...
here are some photos of the Uk Postcard -:
{enjoy viewing!}


对不起 敏感的误会了 都怪他人们 让我的信心减低
糊里糊涂的 事情搞清楚了 一切恢复原状 不为误会而影响

因为经历过 所以呢 诺要人不知 就干脆不开口
人们 答应过的 请保持信用 不让他人失望 不然就就干脆说办不到就算了 :)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Magic of the night 2012 , Putrajaya

Get to know about this event from Cuti-cuti Malaysia Facebook page. Yay! I interested to go this kind of event because i have the opportunity to bring my Olympus walk walk around and capture some nice photos :)

Well is me to request again to go for the Magic of the Night 2012. It is very hard to find a suitable time for us since we had our own stuff to busy. {Should appreciate the moments :) }

Here are the photo of that day -:
(ops! No tripod :X)

The moment {The 1st firework}

We wait for the next firework ;)
See you soon!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Rocker Wheels

Finally i get my rocker wheels for my Seba Fr2! :D After 3 months didn't skate, totally cant skate perfectly with skills. Gonna train hard again for the another coming week! Ops...Rocker Wheels really help a lot in turning, too easy to turn until i scare i out of control and fall down. Never mind, I must get use on my rocker wheels! I wanna Speed slalom~ speed slalom~ :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012


唯一还有联络的我们 在某个活动时的认识
一起呐喊也一起的闹 如今的我们还是这样

认识你们已有六年多了 :')

Happy Birthday to Meifenn
It your 21st birthday party ~

......有失望到 :'(

因我而多开一辆车 :')

Saturday, July 7, 2012

HB to ME :D

很快的又长大了. {我不想我不想不想长大,长大后世界就没童话. :P }

谢谢大家的生日祝福 :) 不管是FB还是SMS还是PHONE还是FACETOFACE. 都要谢谢你们 :) 当然有了FB 的出现,SMS 的祝福次数就渐渐的一年比一年少 :/ 谢谢还会SMS和PHONE我的老朋友们 ~!

29/6 原以为只是单纯的舞蹈练习,一直等啊等,等啊等..奇怪的是为什么某些人迟迟没来. {难得 } 原来她们都在是为了准备我和SFUI的生日惊喜 :D ~!谢谢女生们用心. 礼物很喜欢,正好是我想要购买的老鼠仔. 幸好的是我还没买到 ~ {我已经开始摸着它了}

2/7 赶着回来的我.幸好时间还没过 :)谢谢你和室友串通好的惊喜,有少许的失败,因为室友演戏不强 ~! {幸好我乖没乱走}

礼物有惊喜到! 谢谢那一个月前的准备,剩吃剩喝,**Touch** :') 它就是我的New Toy ~ 7S.

不会玩得我们,抓着它,感觉就像井底之蛙!第一张是底片的Cover!wow ~ 傻傻的我们不知道怎样,尽然打开盖 ==" 看!变得第一张的底片是空百的 (Wasted) 不知所措的我们赶紧Youtube下Tutorial. 看到我们的方法是对的,所以有尝试再拍多一张,kacha.....又是个空白的出来 :/. 没办法下向朋友求救. 朋友说因我们拿出底片,所以底片曝光了. 我们再试 - 终于成功! 害我们担心下 ~ 底片可很贵lehh,不可随意浪费 :)

** Testing **

我会珍惜 :)