my processes:
1)from admin block to CIMB bank to make payment ;
2)from CIMB bank to stad building- finance counter to get chop;
3)from finance counter to counter no:6 to get chop for hostel;
4)from there to admin block again to submit the form;
5)from admin block to FCM office to register course;
6)den from FCM to exam department to do grouping;
7)den from exam department to cyberia mamak;
8)from cyberia mamak to hostel office;
9)from hostel to admin block again, coz 4got submit passport size photo =(
10)from admin block go to FCM again to ask for credit transfer things..
11)from FCM go bak hostel again to take stand fan...
from here go there..from there go here....tired sia!
after done all the stuffs, go bak home and SLP! nite oli move my things to hostel~
i still haven clean all my room yet...especially the hideen part!!!the hidden part is FULL of spiderweb and i feel very geli to clean it, so i jus ignore it 1st ~
i keep on seeing tis...keep on remind residents to lock their door! its Good~!
1st class - korean langauge
the lecturer for tis subject is com from korean~ she cute enuff!!! =P
1st task - asking us to draw a symbol from typography to represent myself~
new frens in mmu aso nt much, ivy?lawrence?matt?siow?jen hau? more?
haiz...i miss my TarC best buddy =( i miss D5 tooooo!!!!We usually always work together in a big group, almost all of the classmate!mayb it kenot happen in MMu ?>i dunno, gona wait n see~
worse typography ever seen...
SWT la u !
good luck at mmu..
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