An early birthday celebration to Mesha before the midterm break.
At evening, went for TAO at Sunway Giza with FCM gang ~~!
Yummm yummm the foods are very delicious :) Non stop eating. Full die me X.x
After than meet up with matt and ah sun for sing K session ~ 50% discount ! yeah!
Since the 50% discount voucher only can use at while waiting...all of us sampat at the curve there~ @@! Some of them shuffling there while hear of the song of Party Rock~ *if not mistake*
Sing K session~ They was crazy fucking high ~! DANCE and JUMPING there OMGGG~!
But then ALL of Us were had FUN at the night! :DDD
Yeah after sing K, 3am go for another round! Yum chaa session.
At 1st tot of go for the MCD nearby the Curve, but then sudd got the idea wanna go for asia cafe, who know when we reached much stalls are v planned again and again..finally back to MCD which nearby there.
Chit-chat there untill 5am something @@! wow ~ reach hostel at 6am ~! : )
I still cant get used the mixer, so i will jot down the the steps.
Every monday nite when i was rushing assignment, I was doing research, read the on air script and find the song too. Yea...finally come to the end..Last Tuesday is my tis sem last time on air at Radio MMU. Too bad My senior Dj Edwin was not free on that time so cant on air with him on last day....but then got the chance on air with my friend aso my DJ senior, DJ MESHAAA ~ :D
游山玩水,玩尽去. I am DJ pink
How about nxt sem ?
erm..gonna see my timetable 1st, coz sometime when i m busy, i really pek cek to find the on air info and read it.
Finally i bought the JKS ASIA TOUR DVD!!! :DDD~!
thank vicky for helping me to buy this :) *why don't buy myself? less go out marr :X* .
This is how the DVD look like!
:: 4DVD ::
Too bad DVD not contain the Asia tour whole live performance :(
but more in the progress of how he prepare for his asia tour.
After i watched the DVD, I am in love with him more :)
I tot he was very skinny d, bt he still need to on diet for his new drama.
Erm.. WOW WOW ~! Last sat we were doing our recording assignment at Pavilion~!!
Arg...i woke up late on that day, so late to meet up with vicky and yanshan. *ops, i don't like ppl waiting for me, i rather wait ppl :) but dun let me wait tooo longg larrrrr ~ !* Since still early so we had our lunch at Sushi Zammai and had a walk in fahrenhait88 and pavilion. *Yanshan bought many clothessss, i want too but not willing to buy it ~*
After that we plan to go Espressamente Illy for our recording. TOO BAD! IT RAINING !
So we stand at aside to wait the rain stop, while waiting we try to figure out the camera setting.
Finally stop raining ~ :) We got the seat and started to order drink there.
Caffe Latte
the coffee art was very nice...erm the price aso very nice *blink blink* But then it taste niceeee ~ worth for it
At 1st, our progress of recording was quite smooth..and we were doing our sketches there too. Who know 天不作美, RAINNNNN AGAIIINNNNN :((( !
We cant moved our camera since the camera still recording our work. No choice, took an umbrella from my bag to protect the camera. Suddenly a kind-heart foreigner borrowed us his umbrella. Beside that, the waiters and waitress there are also help us a lot! *Good service*
Dinner at Espressamente Illy. *Drink is nice; food so so only.*
We were recorded for a long time d, so memory card was FULL! We were like how how how? Luckily CheeKai had check in 4square and we knew he was near to us. So we asked him to help us buy a extra memory card :) Thank god~!He saved us~! but then half way of recording, the camera popped out a problem due to recording for too long time. So we stopped our recording and brought our camera to the camera shop for checking the problem.
Luckily, the camera back to normal after rest for few min.
Haiz. We should estimated the time for a 10sec timelapse~!
As usual, Every Tuesday 8am DJ Pink will on air at Radio MMU Studio with Dj Edwin and Dj Vicky
After that I went for My Major class, and that day was our assignment submission day. I tot i was prepared everything well well for the submission who know lecturer said need to submit together with the logo and the thematic image printed in A3 and mount on the board. ARHH...How come I don't know about this??! Haha...Know why? Coz i din listen to the class..:X So on that day, almost everyone were rushing for printing and mounting :X~ Luckily I am not rushing alone :) if not i will more nervousss ~
After submitted everything to lecturer, is time for us to plan how to celebrate ah sun birthday.
Some of us are went for secret recipes to buy for the cake while some of them are waiting at class ~
Before we bring in the cake, A video edit by Mesha was on screen!
Here the video - :
Hahah..dunno why i felt touching at that moment when i saw the video @@"
with the birthday girl, Ah sun :)
The 12 different pieces cakes ~!
The girl gang.
The guy gang.
After that we went to have sushi king as our lunch ~! *Do not go Alamanda Sushi King during Ramadhan.... * Their services and foods areeee sloww like turtle.
YA...Canto Slot Potluck gathering! The event done by us (Canto Juniors)....and i been grouped under Game Division :) Before the potluck all the members of the game division are discussing some of the interesting games for the potluck gathering :)
Well, We gathered together again to test the games too. In case some of the games are not work.
The foods are prepared by food and beverage division.
Well, i knew it is hard to prepare such a big amount of foods. But Some really taste nice; but some really taste so so ~
The entertainment division ~! They entertained us by performing some gao xiu dances :)
The last part of potluck gathering was gaming time ~~!
Well the balloon game was a bit failed but then nvm the other games were quite success :)
*They are too hyper..Hahaha...hard to control the situation*
Yes, Enjoy every moment with canto slot gang :)
Before back home, photo shooting time ~!
With canto slot manager aka my On air Senior partner. Edwin Chia.
Group picture of canto slot potluck gathering 2011
-Photos from RMMU Canto Slot Page-
Want to see more info or pictures about our RMMU Canto Slot? Like the Facebook page! [HERE]
3D modelling again!Quite a long time i din touch 3D max since after i done my Marigold booth. *Still rmb how my design?* Well, i not really pro in this software..but what to do ?I still need to figure out how to model.
Submission date was extended! I think it is a very good new for me because i haven model out my floor stand yet. So i have another week to model my floor stand! Yeah~
Condition of extend submission date is to show our 3D progress to lecturer. So i brought my file to the class...and who know he said we need to submit this afternoon since most of the people late of the class!! I was like wth?! Don't play ehh! I still got alot haven done ehh!!! Stupiak lecturer~! So we quickly called our friends to ask them come to class asap~ Luckily! Submission date still extend to a week :D
The very 1st 3D model design of my floor stand.
Opss on that day i was 4got to save my file to my pendrive. But then the lecturer i consult was Mr. fauzan, so i just shown the sketch of my 3D model design.
After consultation, i tried to do more research on floor stand and I had changed all the design of my floor stand. Here is the outcome of my another design-:
After added more details and effect of glasses. It became like this @@!
I doing men product but the floor stand look dam girlish. So i changed a bit design by delete the circle stuffs. OH YES! it look better!
Okay, come to lighting part..I really have no idea on how to put! Luckily got friend which willing to help me :) Thank you wang tong xue sifu!
Tadaaaaaaa!!! The final out come of my floor stand :)
Another thing i need to do is 360' animation of floor stand. Well I had done my rendering TIFF file for 750 frames! *mean 750 photos* But then the problem is after i put in Premiere pro I dunno how to adjust the picture duration together. 750 photos ehhh, I lazy to edit the duration one by one T.T
Tried edit on window movie maker too, FAST and EASY! but the outcome of video was abit blur T.T
So i tried to straight away rendering AVI in 3D max! Rendering is so slow :X Waited almost around 2 hrs...Ya it worked! Just dunno why the last 7 sec is the floor stand was not moving. So i just cut out the part and edit a bit!