Thursday, March 22, 2012


It already 5 week i interned at BHC. Finally saw one of the final production i done. {at least saw something i did} Today, Boss told me that the client chose my design. {WEeee!} Think back that day we rushed for this project...all of us are rushing till 10pm without eating dinner. {Hungry die me} On that time i was keep on complaining. Boss Why You keep ask me change? haha..

Boss always said this to me. You are from graphic one so let you try on this. So he assigned me a project: Design a catalog book. The funny thing is they discussing about the catalog book design just right beside me. Their arguments are totally cute.

Ops. Photo shooting for products this few day. Weee... My fav :P
Another challenging project is coming : Need to draw COMIC :X

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